• slide-10
    Learn and make fun
    Unlock the power of reading with our innovative tools and resources.
  • slide-11
    Know your weakness points
    Unlock the power of reading with our innovative tools and resources.
  • slide-7
    Try and try again to make it perfect!
    Unlock the power of reading with our innovative tools and resources.
  • slide-8
    Dont stop trying and learn from your mistakes
    Unlock the power of reading with our innovative tools and resources.
  • slide-9
    Make Learning Fun!
    Unlock the power of reading with our innovative tools and resources.

Story Mode

Story Mode activities are particularly useful for intermediate and advanced language learners, as they provide a more engaging and challenging way to practice speaking and listening skills.
Test Yourself!

Word Mode

Word Mode activities are particularly useful for beginner and intermediate language learners, as they provide a structured and systematic way to practice pronunciation and vocabulary.
Test Yourself!

Recent Stories you must read



content_img_1The system starts with the selection of different option which are the two mode and the history result for review. Once the user selected the desire option, it will then move to the procedure of getting and processing data. The error and correction will then be recorded to the system to be able to use later. The end of every mode will show the statistical result of the user with the number recorded and their information like name from the system.

  • Story Mode

this feature enables student to read words in a story and indicate whether they read it properly or not.
• Story mode has Easy and Hard options
• Story modes have a pre-installed story in which the students will select with a total of 8 stories for easy and hard level
• The story includes in easy option are “Summer Fun”, “A Rainy Day”, “Ben’s Store” and “Waiting for her sister”
• For hard option are “The egg on the grass”, “The Caps and the Kitten”, “A happy Place” and “In the park”
• After selecting the story, the student will then read the word out loud through the microphone.

  • Word Mode

this feature is purely words wherein each word is displayed and need to be read out loud
• Word mode has an Easy and Hard options
• After selecting the mode, words will be displayed through the screen, there will be 50 words for easy level and 50 words for hard level
• The words displayed will be read by the students
• Once all words displayed are successfully done the system will then display all words the student have read correctly and those, he/she mispronounce